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JOY! Project
In JOY!, Carissa Sindon explored and documented with photographic images and written statements, the joy of a cross-section of Idaho residents, for the simple reason: there’s too much negativity in the world. Through this project, Carissa invites the community to come together over a positive concept with the hope we’ll be able to focus on, create, and spread more joy to ourselves and each other.
Thank you to these awesome people for being subjects in this project:
Susie Boorse, Melinda Bristol, Jun Campion, Frosty (the person), Emma Hood, Jake Jones, Aveda Knight, Josh Knight, Robyn Larese, Aparna Limaye, Sita Marion, Virginia Martin, Kayla Morgan, Kneika Osborn, Alivia Phillips, Drew Ragland, Jodeen Revere, Kimberly Robinson, Kunal Shrotri, Mukta Shrotri, Jeremy Snook, and Bob Vestal.
Thank you to Denise Matthews for catering JOY!'s Opening Reception (Yoga Tree of Boise, October 21, 2017) and taking the picture of me with Frosty (the goat).
Thank you to my parents, Evie and Ty Sindon for their support that has allowed me to accomplish my dream of becoming an artist.
Thank you to my wise Aunt Darlene Howard whose suggestion I become a writer led me to journalism. It is here I discovered my love of photography. Without her igniting this spark, I'm not sure JOY!, or my first photography project, SEEN would have happened.
Over 125 people and local businesses contributed over $7,500 to help bring this community art project to fruition. Thank you to these generous souls for supporting art:
Business Sponsors: Evermore Prints, Star Garnet Media, and Yoga Tree of Boise
John Lewinski, Jesse & Marley Tranfo, Evie & Ty Sindon, Sita Marion, Connie McClaran, Kim Drake, Becca Tranfo, Bob & Nancy Kyte, Ken Newman & Debbie McClendon, Renee Silvus, Kogler Family, Townsend Family, Makki Family, Mike Medberry, Alena Coons, Colleen Braun, Janet Houlihan, Debra Staup, Eileen & Mike McMorrow, Jodie Lea, Chad Shenk & Jennie Noll, Jackie Gunn, Sara Bingham, Joseph Schueler & Nicole Hanson, Susan & Bryan Wilder, Deb Olson, Cami & Jeff Sindon, Shawn & Sandee Dooley, Nancy Cenell & Clyde McNeal, Michelle Cenarrusa, Chris Mueller, Jen Knight, Bob Vestal & Jyl Hoyt, Moriah & Jake Soper, Susie & John Boorse, Kayla Morgan, Matthews Family, Lori Dicaire, Carole & Rick Skinner, Kneika Osborn, Henry Rudolph, Liz Shreve, Hailey & John McDevitt, Jake Jones, Penny Shaw, Kim Johnson, Denny Gibala, Mary & Derek Fernandes, Shelly & Joe Miller, Stacey Kucy, Jenna Schlegel-Preheim, Jill Singer, Leslie Kelly-Majors, DuAnn & Michael Chambers, Nikki Leonard, Charlie & Tenielle Ruff, Lawcynell Gang, Mati Young, Sheri Carver, Mary Jean & Chuck Tranfo, Carissa Wolf, Sherry Powelson, Amanda Rich, Brandi Sindon, Ben Tranfo & Stephanie Bell, David Wray, Bill Mauk, Valynn Jensen, Karen DeCamp, Ferne & Bob Krumm, Colbie Peterson Warne & Zion Warne, Andrea Bennett, Josie Pusl, Joyce Sisson, Brad Potts, Bob Giles, Saltarella Family, April Eichholz, Boyd Hawkins, Ricky Cortes, Cindi Le Brett, Casey O’Leary, Megan Lopez, Kuhn Family, John Corcoran, Barrett Lamm, Steve Binninger, Alisha Morris, Lynn Fraley & Barry Moore, Jason & Stephanie Sears, Shana Foster Moore, Jenn Stone, Tom Grote, Theresa Sprute Nye, Andrea & Jamie Finchum, Finnegan Family, Patrick Dooley, Ryan Canning, Jeff Buttars, Lois Palmgren, Shyla Jones, Carol Shea, Cathy Smith, and many, many more!
Project Exhibitions:
Yoga Tree of Boise
(October, 2017)
C.W. Moore Plaza, Boise
(November 2017-January 2018)
© Carissa Sindon. All rights reserved.

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