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Carissa Sindon is a Boise, Idaho-based photographer with a primary interest in photographing people. With her photography projects, SEEN, JOY!, and GRATEFUL, she has photographed a group of subjects, asked them to complete the same sets of statements, and created exhibitions around their portraits. Through these projects, Carissa aims to empower her subjects by providing a place for self-expression where people can be seen and heard. It is also her hope that those who view her projects will ponder the same questions and that will allow them to connect with themselves on a deeper level, and gain further insight into their own lives. Above all, Carissa hopes her projects help people connect and come together over their commonalities and shared humanity because the desire for this is a human universal.     

One of the strengths of Carissa's projects is the diversity of her subjects. She finds her subjects a variety of ways: some are people she knows, others are referred by friends or recruited through social media. Sometimes Carissa meets somebody at a grocery store, restaurant, or coffee shop and asks them to be in her projects. She has also connected with various community groups which has allowed people the opportunity to participate in a photography project who otherwise may not be exposed to art.

© by Carissa Sindon. All rights reserved.

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